// take a trip back in time


This tag is associated with 109 posts

// trailer – the amazing spider-man

//Prepare to be suitably underwhelmed.

I 'Spidermanned' a girl once. Didn't go down well.

Sooo… It’s been a while, but now that full-time employment has been secured (dance in your seat), I can actually give my blog a little more love that I have been doing. To kick things back off I think it only fair to flag up a trailer that has been causing me some issues this week. Enter The Amazing Spiderman.

Sadly, despite being filmed in a slightly grittier way, there’s nothing new here for us to really get our teeth in to. There’s a brief glimpse into Peter Parker’s childhood as we see his parents abandoning him, but honestly I couldn’t care less. What I want is a bad ass Spider-man. One that takes no shit and takes his anger out on a pot plant like a normal radioactive man. The slight change in bite location didn’t do much for me either. The final ‘Mirror’s Edge-esque’ swinging section will probably delight 12 years olds across the planet, but for me this hasn’t done much to engage my excitement muscle.

The first post of many. It’s nice to be back moaning about movies I’ll probably end up paying to go and see anyway. Huzzah.

Thanks for swinging by. Bah-Dum.

What are you thoughts?


// it’s been…. emotional

I’m back.


Having allowed myself some time off for a sneaky trip back to the UK to lose my mind in a field in Somerset and buy, but not necessarily bring back into Australia, the world reserve of Reggae Reggae sauce.

So… Stick with Browntails for all your film needs. I also be throwing some reviews of restaurants, pubs, clubs, super hero hangouts. You get the idea.

As always if there is anything you wish to bring to my attention please get in touch.

I’m still struggling to get back on AU time, but while I fight the sleep dementors allow me to take this opportunity to thank all my buddies that made this year’s Glastonbury a truly disgraceful/amazing little market on the 2011 calendar. Now can someone tell Chase & Status to stop playing in my head… Cheers!

So how shit is The Green Lantern then? Is Transformers 3 worse? I’ll soon post up some thoughts as I’m going to back-to-back view these two little sausages.

Ya huuuuurd!



// what did you watch?

// Each week, on a Sunday, I hand the reigns of movie criticism over to you. Tell me what you saw at the Cinema or on DVD/Blu-Ray that either made your pants moist or your temperature sky-rocket due to its brilliance or whackness. If you’ve seen a movie, I want to know about it.

Your review doesn’t need to be sprawling epic like many of my reviews. it can simply be the name of the movie and a rating out of 5. It really is that easy. For example, White Chicks – the greatest movie ever made, 5/5.

For the best user submitted reviews each month, I will touch them in their trouser area or let them touch my glorious hair – enter your review and your life will change.

The bar has been set. I look forward to your responses.

Thanks for writing.
