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// 100% non-exclusive trailer – Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows

// Robert Downey Jr. & Jude Law return for more japes.

I was very skeptical about the first instalment. I was going through my ‘I hate Guy Ritchie’ phase which is like a cinematic period and arrives almost like clockwork. However, I’m glad that on Boxing Day I went and shelled out a few gold coins to be part of the excitement that ensued afterwards. Turns out that Guy Ritchie can still direct and RDJ and Jude Law have fantastic chemistry. Captain Evil aka Mark Strong did his usual job of being mean, which was good. McAdams was average in the love interest role, but overall smiles were a plenty as I left the Vue cinema in Worcester… Ahhh memories.

Skip forward 2 years and the dynamic duo are back. This time they face off against the super-evil Professor Moriarty on a journey that leads them all over the globe… I like the look of it, but it kind of has that action/comedy element that Pirates of the Caribbean has, so hopefully they don’t ham it up too much. Check it out below. See what you think. Feedback is appreciated.

If you read this post tweet me with the message – ‘Badger Soup’ (@SexyRob) and I will give you a personalised hello.

Thanks for reading.


About Rob Orme

Brown is the new Black.


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