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// new trailer – the descendants

// The return of Gorgeous George

Alexander Payne is a fantastic director. Sideways is a film that turns anyone that watches it into a self-confessed wine snob and About Shmidt showcases Jack Nicholson at his very best, even if my ex-girlfriend thought this was one of the worst films she had ever seen… The Descendants is a movie that sees Gorgeous George examining his life after his wife is involved in a boating accident. It is during this period of self-reflection that he ties to bond with his daughters who see him as a ‘back-up parent.’ However, when he discovers his wife has been cheating on him, George’s character is forced to delve a little deeper for the answers he is seeking.

Having just read that paragraph back I think I’ve made this film sound dull. Ignore me. Enjoy the trailer.

Synopsis: From Alexander Payne, the creator of the Oscar-winning SIDEWAYS, set in Hawaii, THE DESCENDANTS is a sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic journey for Matt King (George Clooney) an indifferent husband and father of two girls, who is forced to re-examine his past and embrace his future when his wife suffers a boating accident off of Waikiki. The event leads to a rapprochement with his young daughters while Matt wrestles with a decision to sell the family’s land handed down from Hawaiian royalty and missionaries.

Browntails has been scientifically designed for our movie watching pleasure.


Source: iTunes Movie Trailers

About Rob Orme

Brown is the new Black.


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