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// film reviews, // movies

// what did you watch?

// Each week, on a Sunday, I hand the reigns of movie criticism over to you. Tell me what you saw at the Cinema or on DVD/Blu-Ray that either made your pants moist or your temperature sky-rocket due to its brilliance or whackness. If you’ve seen a movie, I want to know about it.

Your review doesn’t need to be sprawling epic like many of my reviews. it can simply be the name of the movie and a rating out of 5. It really is that easy. For example, White Chicks – the greatest movie ever made, 5/5.

For the best user submitted reviews each month, I will post them a fresh packet of original TimTams. For those of you don’t k ow how epic this prize is, enter your review and your life will change.

The bar has been set. I look forward to your responses.

Thanks for writing.


About Rob Orme

Brown is the new Black.


3 thoughts on “// what did you watch?

  1. Prince of Persia was the last movie I watched, and to be honest it felt like I was in a video game. When I made this comment to my boyfriend.. he said .. that’s because it is based on a video game! Jez, I thought it did have a pretty good story line.. just too much jumping around nonsense. Anyway, 3/5 -Noosh

    Posted by Barbara Kazepidis | May 15, 2011, 7:44 pm
  2. The last fillum I saw was German, “Mein Bester Feind” (My Best Enemy) a novel adaptation that had,to my great relief somehow managed to entirely escape bastardization by the likes of Til Schweiger or Nora Tschirner. A great dark comedy (which Germans, it has to be said are usually not brilliant at-Ok, this was Austrian but same-same, no?) about the Holocaust, would you believe?
    OK, so it sounds bad but Moritz Bleibtreu as Viktor Kaufmann and Georg Friedrich (Rudi) do a great job, Bleibtreu portraying a wealthy Jew, Friedrich as his German best-friend-turned-nazi who betrays him out of jealousy and gets Kaufmann and his family locked away in concentration camps because of a long lost Michael Angelo that the Kaufmanns were said to be hiding. By a twist of fate, Kaufmann and Rudi end up in a plane crash together in Poland and are (more or less accidentally) forced to switch roles. So now Kaufmann is in the Nazi uniform and Rudi’s in a concentration camp, what could be funnier, eh? Well, according to German audiences, anything including a hefty bout of the shingles. I gather that because of the lack of slap stick and goose-marching, false Hitler ‘tashes and comedic banana-slipping, German audiences were not actually able to recognize that it was dark comedy they were watching and just ended up shaking their heads at a “bad war movie”. Oh, and because Til Schweiger wasn’t alternately whinging nasally and shagging (also nasally? Would someone get that mans adenoids checked?)- apparently, thats how you tell a good movie from a bad one here. So we’re back to that old cliche, Germans don’t do good comedy; or they do but nobody gets it. Think it’s a great shame that this film bombed so badly, thought the plot was great; original and clever comedy but with the right amount of pathos (still vvv important in my opinion, especially when it’s filmed here in Germany) and highly recommend it, if ever it should chance to be on a dusty shelf in a corner of a tiny DVD rental near you (‘fraid I doubt it’ll be up there with the block busters, unless Germans suddenly dig a sense of humour out of their noses and it unexpectedly turns into a hit) Take a look; English style Austrian dark comedy made in Germany about the lighter side of the Holocaust- but with the respect, emotion and humanity other similar films have lacked in the past. 4/5

    Posted by Kate Nickel | May 15, 2011, 10:02 pm

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